Monday, April 23, 2012

Spirit Tales Delayed, FML

*Very upsetly texts friend on cellphone, tells her of the predicament, then tells her to fking shoot at anyone watching while I kill others at a random fking bookstore*


*Friend is killed by crazed drug addict*

Words cannot express how frustrated and annoyed I am, with so many different things happening all at once, one not being able to get my mic to work the way I want to, the ST OB Delayed till next month and me not being able to reschedule my vacation for it...begins to break down.

*Breaks my fking cell*

*Goes to random Diner for a drink, begins to loose it again*
*Another friend happens to see me from outside, and comes in to greet me, begins headdesking faster*

After this very troubled, and depressing day, I confront a person that has hated me for quite some time, and tells her to fking end my misery. She does so, without hesitation

Even after all that, I could still picture How upset and Depressed I was, and still am. Why did these stupid things happen? Why? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

How much more disappointment can I possibly take? FFS.

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