Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another, Sankarea, Supernatural the Anime.

I watched the first two episodes of Another yesterday. Things are wayyy too slow compared to other anime ive watched but I suppose I should continue watching to see how things go.

Sankarea is an interesting one, it's about a guy who's really into the undead. Although I've only watched one episode, it was interesting enough to continue to follow it.

and last but not least, Supernatural:The Animation is rather interesting. It almost stays true to the original, and with a little research at wikipedia, it seems this first season will cover the first two seasons of the live action show. The anime style is not bad at all, and am looking forward to finishing it all, me being a huge supernatural fan.

After I finish all of those, I might move onto the Black Rock Shooter series. I watched the ova, it was alright, but wayy too short. Glad an actual series was made, now I can watch the greatness it was meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! Sankarea is already out as an anime!?

    Hey Neysha~ I'm glad you were able to reschedule your vacation! You can make it!

    I'm so jealous you are watching so many interesting anime series! :< Which would you say is the most interesting to you at this moment in time?

    Btw I love your blog!
